Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Please let me make it right

It's funny how I remember things I'm not particularly trying to remember. Something that happened far far away in the past and was of no significant whatsoever in my life. It's even funnier when someone else whom happened to be with me when those things happened still remember as well exactly how I do. Somehow maybe things are not as insignificant as I think they were.

Right now at this moment, I badly want something that is not mine. Because this unimportant but not insignificant thing happened to both of us and we both happen to remember it all, even after all these years. Although I understand there must be so many more significant happenings since then, for you and the person you belong to. Is it bad to admit that deep down I had the feeling that we were meant to be, if only we were given the chance?

I know the things we talk about and the way you look at me must mean something. Maybe this time I can make it right..