Monday, May 12, 2008

You and me...

Cause it's you and me,
and all of the people
with nothing to do, nothing to loose
And it's you and me,
and all of the people
And I don't know why,
I can't keep my eyes off of you.
- you and me by Lifehouse-

That's so true, it's just you and me with all the people. And it's true I can't keep my eyes off of you.
So why not just give it a shot and see how it goes? I pray to God to show me the way of dealing with our thing, and just when I'm finished, this song was heard through my random playlist. I take it as His way of showing me not to be affraid because it's just you and me. I pray to him not to let me down so low when the outcome was not as I expected. We're no longer schoolchildren who can say we're happy just by seeing each other happy.

The truth is, I think my happiness lies with you. And I think I really can't keep my eyes off of you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The places where I grew up

1986-1987: Semarang, Tanah Mas
Dari cerita mami, this so so little me had nothing better to do except screwing arround her papers and messing her works. Selalu nangis teriak-teriak kalo oma mau pulang ke Purworejo, selalu nangis teriak-teriak ketakutan kalo oma co dateng dari Jakarta.

1987 - 1989: Jakarta, Cipulir
Hmm I can't recall much of this place, except of its palm trees and yard. Jaman masih kecil belum punya gigi, tahunya cuma ketawa-nangis-ngedot-minta gendong mami. The image of the 3-year old me was a plump little girl with short hair and chubby cheeks, unsynchronized eyes (hahaha), smiling while riding a 3 wheels bike.

1989-1995: Kutoarjo
Masa-masa TK sampai kelas 4 SD, ketemu sahabat sekaligus saingan tak terkalahkan dan tak terlupakan. Rebutan ayunan sama Chandra & Adi W di TK Pius, makan nasi bungkus dari kantin sekolah. Uang 100 rupiah bisa makan siomay sampe kenyang, oh what a world. Les renang. Pagi-pagi digangunin mami dan digotong ke kamar mandi. Anak SD yang pengen cepet-cepet ke SMP. Naik sepeda sore-sore rame-rame, ke arah sunset di bukit deket rumah

1995-2001: Purworejo
Yayy akhirnya SMP, udah merasa gede, pake rok biru yang ga berkibar-kibar lagi kaya pas SD. Main basket sore-sore sampe jadi item, main gitar di aula sekolah sama anak-anak asrama cowok yang dulu terlihat amat sangat keren, padahal in reality bau dan tak pernah mandi hehehe. The after-class unforgettable moment when I, well we, did something we shouldn't have done but it's okay. Ngegosip sama temen-temen tentang itazura na kis ( both movie and reality). Wah pengen cepet-cepet SMA nih.

2001-2004: Jogjakarta, kotabaru
The most noticeable moment in my life. Tinggal serumah bareng 13 anak cewek lain dari berbagai kota, dari yang ngomong medok banget sampe yang ga bisa ngomong jawa. Dari yang punya pacar naik mobil sampe punya pacar naik sepeda. Main CS bareng Ryo. Makan soto di kantin; renang jumat sore; tidur pas pelajaran pak Pram; project biology dibayarin sama pak ari; nyontek pas akuntansi; tidur pas retret; cat rambut tindik kuping; kabur pas upacara; sederetan catetan pelanggaran di buku bu Nanik; pelajaran seni tari yang bikin pegel; Still overshadowed by the someone I did something I shouldn't have done with; Punya geng F6 sampe akhirnya ketemu Chika & Ndhu2, my best ever pas kelas 3. Wish the time would stop at this point. Rasanya kita masih bisa jadi apa saja, bisa terbang ke langit. The most enjoyable moment when we were not kids anymore but not adults yet.

2004: Groesbeek, the Netherlands
Rumah di tengah-tengah peternakan, dihuni oleh 4 orang asia under age. Mikir mau ambil halte yang mana tiap pagi. Tidur di bus. Sauna & renang sore-sore. kenapa SMA lewat begitu cepat?

2004-2007: Nijmegen, the Netherlands
first year, second year, third year gone so fast. Oh please brake the time and let us unload our burden for a while. Reports, experiments, internships, frantically wishing for more hours in a day. kangen masa dimana masih bisa naik sepeda roda 3, main gitar di aula sekolah, dan ke galeria mall habis pulang sekolah. Masa-masa dimana keegoisan tidak punya tempat. Homesick mendera lebih sering dari apapun. Memandang dunia dalam kehitam dan putihan tanpa ada area abu-abu diantaranya. The childish soul acted strong. Just realize that a few childhood friends last more than ever.

2007-2008: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
The final year that determines everything. Rumah penuh dengan imigran eropa yang ga bisa bahasa belanda. Menikmati masa-masa ngafe dan clubbing yang sebetulnya hanya escapism. Desperate untuk betul-betul mengerem waktu. Merasa tidak bisa melakukan yang terbaik. Stress, takut, dan berusaha pasrah dan mendekatkan diri pada Yang Kuasa. Desperate untuk meminta lebih dari 24 jam dalam sehari. Homesick. berpapasan dengan 2 orang yang mengajarkan banyak hal dalam waktu singkat. I would give anything to be back to that 3-wheeled bikes and going out to see the sunset in that hill again...